Life was good when I felt comfortable going to the gym… training was always beastmode, or at least it got to that point by the end of the workout!! Some key things I\’ve learned during this pandemic are having the ability to be patient, adapt, and persevere!! While I\’ve been getting the cardio in – mostly by choice but also out of necessity – my strength training has all but disappeared! In April of 2020, I thought \”this won\’t stop me… I\’ve got a pull-up bar, dumbbells, resistance bands, I\’m good to go\”… man was I severely disillusioned!! But that\’s OK! Now in the beginning of 2021, I\’m realizing the mindset shift it takes to make strength training sustainable for me without a gym! That also means going through the rebuilding process… starting with small, attainable goals and building from there. Well, that\’s exactly what I\’m doing – restarting and rebuilding with the basics!
While I was specifically talking about the ability to train in a gym, the mindset shift I\’m talking about can be applied to one\’s entire life! The more rigid and constrained you are with you\’re thoughts, actions, and routines (fixed mindset), the more extreme difficulty you\’re going to have in being empathetic towards others or adapting your actions to the situation. This mindset shift can be very challenging and almost seem impossible!! Remember to give yourself time and grace when trying to readjust because it doesn\’t happen overnight and the timing is different for everyone!
If you have started out 2021 feeling like nothing has changed, maybe the thing that needs a bit of adjustment is your perspective! That\’s where having a coach can be very useful! All of us need some help with learning a growth mindset to reach our goals, or even set goals! Leave a comment and let me know which mindset hits home for you! Go be great!!